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                ABOUT US

                Simple Design Creative Life

                Guangdong People and Object Technology Co., Ltd. is a scientific and technological company founded by a team of designers. It integrates design, research, development, production and sales. Its product style is simple design style. It uses simple design elements to match line changes, simplifies complexity, abandons redundant design, achieves the feeling of senseless design, harmoniously handles the relationship between people and things, and lets goods serve. Human beings make people's life change from material pursuit to better life experience.

                Years of user research and product design experience, developed innovative tools and methods of the system, flexibly integrated into our design process. Help us to deeply understand consumer demand, formulate precise product design strategies, combine user needs and functional technology, so that the design landed and formed value.
                Foshan PEOPLE & OBJECT Technology Co., Ltd.
                Starting from the needs of consumers, we have an in-depth insight into consumers, providing design that brings aesthetic pleasure and takes into account actual productivity and cost on the premise of satisfying practical functions. Provide customized fashion solutions for consumers. Through system design tools, insight can be transformed into products to achieve sustainable growth of business value.
                • Service Idea

                  Quick response, service first, dare to challenge!

                • Design Concept

                  Creativity for life, pursuit of a better life experience!

                Patent certificate

                Corporate honor

                • Warm Hand Treasure Appearance Patent

                • Heater Appearance Patent

                • Practical patent of nail polishing file

                • Practical patent for ultraviolet disinfector

                • Practical patent for tableware disinfector